Information on recommended sizes of your images allows you to optimize them for the best possible display on Launchyoo.
Regarding the profile page:
Profile photo: 600 × 600. Vertical anchor above, Centered horizontally. The corners of the image are rounded.
Background picture. It differs depending on whether it is the App or Desktop version, for optimization reasons.
App version: 1200×1200 ideal, tends to 4/3. Vertical anchor above. Centered horizontally.
Desktop version: 1200×1200 ideal, tends to 16/9. Vertical anchor above. Horizontal anchoring on both sides. The bottom is expanded based on the aspect ratio of the image.
In both cases, the lower area of the background photo is partially covered by the profile picture and by the lower band of rounded edges. Tip: the central focus of the image should be off-centered about 150 pixels upwards, from the geometric center.
Profile and background photos in App version:
Profile and background photos in Desktop version:
Regarding the preview of images in posts:
App version: longest side 1200 pixels, the other is cropped if necessary. Horizontal anchor on both sides, centred vertically.
Desktop version: the aspect ratio of the image is respected, without cropping.
And finally, some information regarding files weight:
The maximum weight of the images uploaded in the posts is 18 Mb (total weight, be it a single image or be four of them which is the max possible).
The maximum size of the videos and audio files is 400 Mb.