The Types of Contacts

The types of contacts with the rest of launchers depend on what type of profile you have chosen when registering. It is very simple and we explain it to you next.

There are two types of possible contacts:

Friends. User profiles have a “Friendship” type relationship with the rest of the profiles of the same type. They can therefore ask any User-type profile for friendship. When the other person agrees, they will be friends on Launchyoo.

Followers. Influencer, Business and Association type profiles will have profiles that follow them (“Followers“, which will be of any of the types of profiles available). You cannot ask a profile to follow you directly, but it will be the person who will decide to do so, based on his or her interests and the quality of what you share as an Influencer, Business or Association.

Click HERE if you want to know more about the types of profiles and why they exist.

Thus, User-type profiles have “Friends” (other User profiles) and “Following” (Influencer, Business and Association profiles that are followed). The number of these appears on the profile page, below the nickname.

Contacts User

It is not possible to access the list of contacts from there, for anyone. Access to the contact list is unique for each person, through the contact page, accessible by taping the icon at the bottom right of the footer of the App, or at the top right in the Desktop version.


If you are an Influencer, Business or Association type profile you have “Followers” ​​(User, Influencer, Business and Association profiles that follow you) and “Following” (Influencer, Business and Association profiles that you follow). For these profiles it is not possible to follow or be friends to User profiles. The main reason is to ensure they will be attracted and end up following them based on the quality of the content that is generated.

The number of contacts that follow you will appear on the profile page, below the nickname. Not so the number of profiles who are followed, in order to prevent dynamics such as “I don’t follow you because you follow few” or “your followers/following numbers are unbalanced”. At Launchyoo it’s not about that, it’s about content and sharing.

It will not be possible for anyone to access the list of followers from the profile page.

You can, at any time, remove a profile from your Friends or Followers/Following list.

Pending requests are shown as such on the contact page.

Therefore, and as a final summary, a User-type profile can access its “Friends” (other User profiles) and “Following” (the rest) lists. The other profiles (Influencer, Business and Association) will be able to access their “Followers” ​​(all types of profiles) and “Following” (other Influencer, Business and Association) lists.

Here you can see a simple graph:

Types of contacts