The Search Bar

You can find the search bar, accessible and at your disposal, with the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the screen, in the APP version, and directly visible at the top, in the Desktop version.

Barra de búsqueda. Versión Desktop

It allows you to find one of these three types of elements:

  • If you type “@” before the text, you will only search for profiles. Once found, by clicking on his nickname or real name, you will visit the profile page, where you can ask for friendship or follow him/her, depending on the profile type. Logically, and depending on it, it can be people, companies or associations.

Profile search is possible through nickname and through real name (or denomination) as well, in order to greatly increase positioning and the ease of being found, if this is desired.

Search bar

  • If you type “#” before the text, you will only search for tags (tags or hashtags). Once the tag is found, by clicking on it you will access the Mix Wall with all the posts in which this tag is present, in chronological order.
  • If you type “&” before the text, you will only search for groups. Once the group is found (if it is Public or Private, because if it is secret it will not appear), by clicking on it you will access its main page, where you can request entry if you wish, and directly access the publications if it is Public, or request entry and then wait to have access granted if it is Private.

If you do not type any of these icons before the text, you will be looking for any type of element that contains the text you are typing.