The private messaging functionality of the social network is called Chatyoo and, together with the Walls and Groups, allows you to communicate with whoever you want and the way you want.
In order to chat with someone, it is necessary that he or she (or it, for companies or associations, though there will be a person behind) is a consolidated contact (Friend, Follower or Following, depending on the type of contact). In this way, the risk of spam and unwanted messages is minimized.
All you have to do then is going to the profile page in question. To the left of the profile picture there is the icon that allows you to start the conversation.
The list of all conversations is accessible through the Chatyoo icon in the footer of the App. The page displays conversations in chronological order, and a ‘+’ button grants access to the list of all contacts so you can start a new conversation from there as well.
Messages are ephemeral, they disappear from the servers after 30 days.
In this first version of the functionality it is possible to send text and emojis.
In case of receiving a message while the App is closed, a push notification is received. You can then enter the functionality and find the last chat in chronological order, in the conversations list.
In case of receiving a message while navigating in the platform, an overlay window in the upper area will appear. It will allow direct access to the conversation on Chatyoo.
Walls, Groups and Chatyoo. Choose the one that suits your needs.