At Launchyoo we have only two interests: the first is that you like this social network, you enjoy it, it grows, succeeds and we have a future together: that is true sustainability; the second, that our product and our company survive economically.
To bring the two together in the most natural way possible, we have established that the application will display Ads. The first thing we did was to make sure which is the type of Ads, in the digital environment, that causes the least nuisance. Thus, we have selected the ‘post‘ type Ads, which appear on the wall interspersed between users normal posts.
No pop-up windows, no ads that cut videos in half, no fixed areas that always show photos or videos of advertisers. Only Ad-type posts, visible from time to time while scrolling the screen vertically. In addition, you will find them in much lower quantities than what you have become accustomed to, by force: a huge amount. The goal is not to distort the browsing experience, not to disturb you, but at the same time to give us the opportunity to obtain the necessary benefits from activities to keep going.
The Contacts icon, at the bottom right corner in the footer of the Application, and at the top right corner in the header of the Desktop version, gives you access to the list of your contacts.
The order in which they appear is, from top to bottom:
For each of your present contacts (Friends/Followers and Following), arranged vertically, you will see, on the right side, the icon that allows you to remove them from your contact list. You will be asked for final confirmation before proceeding.
You can, in the same way and with the same icon, delete the friendship request that you have sent to a contact whose decision is still pending.
The fact that a friendship request is pending, either because you have sent it or because it has been sent to you, is also displayed on the profile page of the person in question, with the indication “PENDING“.
In the case of ‘Friendship’ requests (if you and the other person are both User-type profiles) that you have received, your contacts page will display it to you in the first place. You can:
In the event that you are an Influencer, Business or Association type of profile and another profile wishes to follow you, the acceptance will be automatic and a notification will appear to you, letting you know that you have a new follower. These types of profiles are considered public and individual acceptance is not necessary. Of course, you can remove any profile from the list of your Followers or from those you yourself follow (‘Following’).
Friends, Followers and Following lists display profiles in chronological order, from the date you stablished the relationship.
You can find here the different contact methods that we put at your disposal, depending on the reason why you want to contact us. Our team will respond to you as soon as possible.
Within the application itself you will find, in the main Menu, “Help and Support“. You can use it to leave us any comment, suggestion, assessment, indication of problems on the platform, etc. You just have to select the type of need and write us describing the problem or issue.
For the same cases, if you wish, you can contact us through the email
We send you informative emails when we update the policies and terms and conditions, or when we introduce important new features. Sometimes we ask you to answer to them, if you wish, with suggestions or comments, to the e-mail
If you are interested in advertising your product or service on Launchyoo, you can write to us at We will solve all your doubts and formalize the process of creating the Ad campaign on the platform.
To get in touch with the team coordinating the project, you can send an email to
Once you have registered to Launchyoo, access will be immediate. The application remembers the last user and keeps it active, so that it will not be necessary to log in again, but if you logged out or you use more than one profile and therefore need to change from one to another, the login screen allows access with the simple indication of email and password.
Why email and not nickname? They ask us often. For two reasons:
Once the data has been compiled, clicking on “Login” will give immediate access to Launchyoo.
The login screen allows, in turn, to create a new account (register) and to manage the password change and forgot password.
The rest of the people on the platform will know you by your nickname. You must indicate it during the registration process and, for now, it is not modifiable. Keep in mind that not all characters are allowed, the registration guide will warn you if you are using any of them. Your nickname appears in your profile page and in all the posts you share on the walls and groups.
But also, you can indicate your real name or another way in which you want to be known. This information appears in your profile page, below your nickname, to the left of your profile type, and next to your profile type when someone opens any of your posts.
When someone searches for you with the search bar, they will be able to find you by your nickname but also by your real name, as long as your real name privacy option allows it. To modify it, you can go to the main Menu, then ‘Privacy’, and decide there who can search and see your real name: everyone, friends of friends, friends, none.
We show you internal notifications and the bell-shaped icon, at the bottom right corner in the APP version, and at the top right corner in the Desktop version, lights up and indicates you the number of these that await your attention. Once you click on the icon, the notifications menu will display them, then you can click on any of them to go to the event in question.
Internal notifications appear when:
These notifications are the bare minimum to enjoy browsing a social platform. We don’t want to bombard you with useless notifications!
But also, Launchyoo can send “push” notifications, which show activity through the application icon on your mobile phone. The cases that can activate these types of notifications are currently:
You can choose to activate push notifications for each of these cases or, on the contrary, deactivate them, accessing Notifications page in the main Menu. You will see some functions in the list that are not available yet… we keep working!
Launchyoo presents functions and modes of use that will be familiar to you, but also new features that you must know to be able to take full advantage of, with the aim of improving your own visibility and digital reach.
Here we leave you a series of suggestions to achieve it, with professional profiles in mind: INFLUENCER, BUSINESS and ASSOCIATION.
Grow in and with Launchyoo.
We DO NOT show your connection status to other users. There is no option that allows you to activate or deactivate this function, it simply is not possible because it is not part of the way we think social networks should be. For a thousand reasons, the use of these products can generate a lot of anxiety, an urge to be permanently connected, sharing, watching… It can be exhausting. When you connect to Launchyoo, we want the experience to be, in this sense, diverse, serene, and not displaying the state of connection of the people who use it is, from our point of view, a step in that direction.
Your profile page is your window to the rest of the Launchyoo universe. The information you include is helpful for others, inside and outside of the platform, to better know who you are, with whom they interact, to be able to form an opinion about you and to be able to find you. Among all its data, only the nickname is always visible and must be entered during the registration process to the application.
We have looked for a fresh aesthetics for the profile page, and it will be you to complete it and give it the final touches, building it to your desires. It’s yours!
The information that can be entered is the following:
Nickname. It is the name by which you identify yourself in Launchyoo. No other user can share it and it will not be possible for you to continue with the registration process if the nickname you indicate is already in use by another user. It is not possible, at the moment, to change your nickname after registration. However, for special needs please contact us at and we will assist you.
Real name. You can enter it if you wish, to make it easier for other users to find you in the application. User-type profiles can choose who will be able to see it (everyone, friends of friends, friends, nobody).
Profile photo. Your presentation photo, which will be seen by all Launchyoo users.
Background picture. Accompanying your profile photo on your personal page.
Birthdate. Upcoming features, such as active socialization or the indication of the birthday of the contacts, will require you to indicate it in order to properly function. It is not mandatory information.
Chatyoo. On the left side of the profile photo of any of your contacts (Friends, Followers or Following) you will find the icon that gives access to direct and private conversation with that profile. This icon does not appear on your own page or on that of profiles that are not contacts.
Gender. Indication of your gender. Again, some future features will require you to indicate this in order to function properly. It is not and will not be mandatory information in any case.
Your presentation. Below your profile photo you have the possibility to write a text with no length limit, to introduce yourself to the world. We call it “About me“. Write whatever you want! It is your moment.
Links to websites. You can enter up to four URLs to direct anyone who visits your profile page, with a single click, to your website, your project or company page, your profiles on other social networks… whatever you want.
Furthermore, the profile page displays the number of your contacts, with no possibility to access them though (you will do so through the contacts page icon). They will be your “Friends” and “Following” if you are a User, or your “Followers” if you are an Influencer, Business or Association. “Following” number is not displayed for this profile types.
Your posts in chronological order, your Feed, is also visible. It is accessible by any user who visits your profile page.
And at the bottom part, the last thing to be displayed is your Album. The collection of your best moments, favourite places, photos, best products if you are a company, services if you are a company or professional… They are a collection of multimedia files (photos, videos or audios) that you want to place, in a visible and permanent way, on your profile page.
From your profile page you can add content to the Album belonging to your already shared publications, through the ‘+’ icon positioned on the top right side.
You can watch an explanatory video about the profile page. Click HERE.
And you’ve got everything at glance here:
© 2020 launchyoo